When Will The First Primary Tooth Drop?

The first primary or “baby” tooth will drop around the age of 6. The two lower front teeth will be the first to drop!

When Should My Child Start Seeing The Dentist?

The American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry and British Society of Paediatric Dentistry encourage a child’s first dental visit to be no later than 1 year old.

What Should I Expect For My Child’s First Dental Visit?

Your child’s first dental visit should be a happy one!

Here at My Little Teeth Children’s Dental Clinic, our little ones’ first dental visit usually starts off with them playing in the playroom, as they warm up to the new surroundings. Meanwhile, the dentist engages with the parents to get an understanding of their child, and obtain a detailed medical and dental history. This will facilitate the dentist in providing professional individualised advice. Next up, there will be a dental check-up, followed by a toothbrushing demonstration.

Our goal is to ensure that your child has an enjoyable first dental experience, and that the little one leaves our dental clinic with a smile on his/her face!

What Should I Do If My Child Has A Toothache?

It is best to see a dentist as soon as possible. The dentist will diagnose the problem and provide the necessary treatment. In general, the type of treatment that is required will be simpler if issues are detected earlier.

What Should I Do If My Child Falls Down And Injures His/Her Teeth And Lips?

It is advisable to bring your child to the dentist immediately.

Although your child may be traumatised due to the fall and may be in pain, it would be good to seek dental advice. If treatment is required, immediate attention can be given to your child.